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how you can support


RADICAL ACTS OF LOVE is finally finished! What we need from you now are your words - statements of support to help us make an elaborate case for why this film should belong to the global community. 


For all those who’ve seen ANY version of this film, we are humbly asking that you provide us with one paragraph expressing why you believe this film is important and should be made accessible to everyone. 


Send your paragraph to -- please include your full name and where you live (we’d like the wide-spread impact of the film to be seen by those who hold the key to its distribution). 


If you do not have access to the film, but would like to support us in this effort -- for ONLY AUGUST we will be providing access to a private link upon request (inquire through 


Otherwise, we will be hosting ONE MORE public screening of the final cut of RADICAL ACTS OF LOVE – 7PM on Tuesday, August 13th, at Cinemapolis in downtown Ithaca, NY. Tickets are $2 (to recoup theatre fees) and the screening will be followed by a Q+A session with filmmaker Jacob Y. Miller and executive producer/subject Camila C. Faraday.






We are enormously grateful to all who have helped us tell this story, and thank you for your continued support.

make a tax-deductable donation

WWLD, Inc. is being sponsored by Social Ventures, Inc., a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit.



For a tax-deductible donation that supports the production and distribution of Radical Acts of Love, please mail checks to:


P.O. BOX 581

ITHACA, NY 14851

Checks must be made out to "Social Ventures", with WWLD in the memo line. 

(You may also simply send a check to the above address, made out to "WWLD INC.")

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